I am happy to announce that I was invited by MPFAC to participate in their two event biennial this year. First in Belgium and then in France. New paper collage works by me will be presented at the Biennial. For more information please see below:
The MPFAC hereby announces the upcoming opening of its signature exhibition: the international Biennial "Petit Format de Papier". An exhibition, bringing together more than a hundred artists from all horizons, focused on works not exceeding the DINA4 paper format.
For this 22st edition, the Musée du Petit Format d'Art Contemporain collaborates with the Centre Culturel Action-Sud, in Nismes Belgium, and the Pôle Muséal Les Bateliers in Namur France.
Opens Saturday August 31 and will be on view until September 29.
The exhibition wil be open from October 15 until November 17 at the Pôle Muséal Les Bateliers in Namur.
For more information, please contact: mpf@museedupetitformat.be