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21 Jul 2024
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I am happy to announce that Amsterdam Museum has invited 10 contemporary artists for their upcoming exhibition 'Women of Amsterdam - an ode' and I am one of these artists.

The invitation means new work that will be finished for the opening in December. The exhibition will stand for 9 whole months and be a part of the 750 anniversary of the city of Amsterdam. For more information read below or go to the web page of Amsterdam Museum.

"To mark Amsterdam's 750th anniversary, Amsterdam Museum started the Women of Amsterdam project. It kicked off on 8 March 2024 on International Women's Day. From that date, the museum call on everyone to make an ode to a woman who is (has been) important for the city of Amsterdam. These odes can be seen on the project's platform and will be included in the Amsterdam Museum's collection.

The odes form the basis from which the museum will provide a platform for all these women and your stories in many more ways, such as in a:

- podcast series (starting around September 2024)
- exhibition (from 14-12-24 to 31-8-25)
- book (mid-October 2025)

Women are important in the story of the city of Amsterdam. Both in the present and the past. But these stories are not always told, their names not always mentioned. For example, did you know that the Amsterdam Forest was designed by a woman? Or maybe your mother or grandmother made a difference to the city? The Amsterdam Museum is looking for these stories! Together with you, the museum wants to make more women who have contributed to Amsterdam visible. By making an ode - a letter, video, sound recording, photo, drawing, poem or other form - to a woman connected to the city."